15-385/685 Computer Vision

Carnegie Mellon University

Spring 2011 School of Computer Science

Course Description

An introduction to the theory and practice of computer vision, i.e. the analysis of the patterns in visual images with the view to understanding the objects and processes in the world that generate them. Major topics include optics, image representation, feature extraction, image processing, object recognition, feature selection, probabilistic inference, perceptual analysis and organization, dynamic and hierarchical processing. The emphasis is on the learning of mathematical concepts and techniques and the translation of them to Matlab programs to solve real vision problem. The discussion will be guided by comparision with human and animal vision, from psychological and biological perspectives. Prerequisites: 15-100, 21-120 or permission of instructor. 21-241 preferred but not required.

Course Information

Instructors Office (Office hours) Email (Phone)
Tai Sing Lee (Professor) Mellon Inst. Rm 115 tai@cnbc.cmu.edu
  GHC 8017 (Tu/Thur 4:30-5:30 pm), MI 115 (Wed 9:30-10:30)  
Mabaran Rajaraman (385 TA) W 3:30-4:30 (every week), F 4:30-5:30 (every other week) B 127 Hamerschlag mabaran@cmu.edu
Ben Poole (385 TA) M 4:30-5:30 (every week). F: 4:30-5:30 (every other week) GHC 5201 or 5205 clusters ben@cmu.edu
* Time and Place of Office Hours subject to change. Will announce if change.

Recommended Textbook

Classroom Etiquette

Grading Scheme

Evaluation% of Grade
4 Assignments 50
Quiz 1 10
Term Project 25
Quiz 2 15
685 see additional requirement

Homework Assignments

Late Policy

Term project


Additional Requirement for 685 students

Final Grade Assignment

Laboratory/Help Sessions


* Relevant Reading: Richard Szeliski, Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications . Springer, 2010.
Date Lecture Topic Relevant Readings Assignments/Help Sessions
T 1/11 1. Introduction to computer vision ch. 1  
R 1/13 2. Optics and Image formation ch 2.2  
T 1/18 3. Depth perception ch 2.1, 11.3,11.4  
R 1/20 4. Stereo computation ch 2.1, 11.3, 11.4 HW 1 out. Matlab basics 5:30-7:00
T 1/25 5. Linear Filters ch 3.2, 3.4  
R 1/27 6. Laplacian pyramid ch 3.5, handouts  
T 2/1 7. Fourier and Wavelet Analysis ch 3.3 HW 1 due. HW 2 out;
R 2/3 8. Edge and line detection ch 4.2, 4.3, 5.1.1  
T 2/8 9. Principal component analysis Appendix A  
R 2/10 10. Feature extraction (ICA and LDA) handouts HW 2 due.
T 2/15 11. Bayesian Classifcation Appendix B HW 3 out
R 2/17 12. Wavelets and texture ch 3.5, 10.5  
T 2/22 13. Object detection (boosting) ch14.1  
R 2/24 14. Visual words and recognition ch 4.4 Preliminary Project Proposal
T 3/1 15. Active deformable models ch 14.2  
R 3/3 Quiz 1 (up to Lecture 13)   Project ideas
M 3/7 Midterm Grade due 6 p.m.    
T 3/8 Spring break    
R 3/10 Spring break    
T 3/15 16. Motion and optical flow ch 8.4 HW 3 in, HW 4 out ;
R 3/17 17. Object tracking ch 8.5  
T 3/22 18. Lightness and color ch 2, 3.1  
R 3/24 19. Surface interpolation (MRF) ch 3.7 HW 4 due
T 3/29 20. Segmentaton methods ch 5.4-5.5  
R 3/31 21. Shape from shading ch 12  
T 4/5 22. Shape from images ch12, handouts  
R 4/7 23. Structure from motion ch 8.4, 8.5, ch 7  
T 4/12 24. Context and scene recognition ch 14.4 Project midterm (3)
R 4/14 Spring Carnival    
T 4/19 25. Dynamic inference handouts  
R 4/21 26. Hierarchical/Interactive systems handouts  
T 4/26 Project Presentation    
R 4/28 Project Presentation   All term papers and projects due (20)
M 5/9 WEH 7500 Final Exam Day: Quiz 2 & Project Presentation    
R 5/12 Final Grade due 6 p.m.    

Homework Assignments

Questions or comments: contact Tai Sing Lee
Last modified: May 15, 2011, Tai Sing Lee