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David Pane
Andrew Papale
Research Description
Determine specific cell types and synaptic change involved during learning and execution of a motor cortex dependent skilled reaching task
Satyabrata Parida
Research Description
Vocalization processing by the auditory system.
Eunsol Park
Ashley Parker
Research Description
Biomarkers of hearing health
John Parker
Research Description
Computation and analysis of neural dynamical systems.
Ashley Parr
Research Description
Combination of multiple neuroimaging methods (e.g., PET, fMRI) to understand neurocognitive development throughout the adolescent period.
Sachi Paul
Marta Pecina
Research Description
Neuroimaging predictors of treatment responses in depression
Charles Perfetti
Research Description
My research program addresses language and reading processes, from word processing through comprehension, studied in English and comparatively across languages. The research includes cognitive (behavioral) studies, ERPs, EEGs, and collaborative research in fMRI and MEG. The general goal is to achieve a richer view of language processes by the combination of methods. Projects include 1) Text comprehension studied with ERPs to expose readers word-to-text integration processes. 2a) Universal and writing-system specific components of reading. Comparisons across languages and writing systems expose what is general and specific in reading; 2b) Learning to read a second language in a new writing system. 3) New word learning, especially the processes by which the meanings of new words become integrated into the mental lexicon.
Maria Perica
Andreas Pfenning
Research Description
Genomics of neurological disorders and behavior
Mary L. Phillips
Ryan Phillips
Research Description
Characterization of the neural circuits of the basal ganglia and the pre-botzinger complex using mathematical and computational approaches.
Tara Pirnia
Elvira Pirondini
Research Description
Upper limb motor control strategies in humans and animal models and developing neuroimaging tools for the design of innovative clinical approaches for rehabilitation in neural disorders.
David Plaut
Research Description
Computational modeling of reading, language and semantics
Michael F. Pogue-Geile
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